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Say Hello, To Our New Logo

Writer: The Adventure ServiceThe Adventure Service

Today, we’re launching our new logo, along with fresh brand colours and some new fonts as we start to update our brand.

This article is here to explain why we’ve done it, and that we’re not just changing it, for change sake.

We can assure you it isn’t because we want to become more corporate either (that word still makes us feel a bit gross).

We loved our old logo and it really showcased what we do as a company. It suited us well and served as a driving force behind the business, for the last 11 years.

Starting out in black and white and evolving into what it is now, in it's current format.

However, as all great brands do, we’ve evolved and come to outgrow it.

As we’ve expanded, our online presence has become more and more important, and in the digital world we live in, you only have a very short time to be noticed.

From the comparison below, you can see that the new logo is far more readable and recognisable in digital format.

three different logo sizes
When the logo was reduced down to it's smallest size, it becomes really tricky to see it. This happens a lot on mobile.
three different logo sizes
As you can see, the new logo is much more recognisable at various different sizes

Our old logo also took on many different forms, colours, shapes and sizes.

Our tagline “achieving potential through adventure” wasn’t readable in most formats and the Adventurer popping up out the frame would often get cut off.

This is taken from our website header. Not only is there three different shades of orange in there, but the logo gets chopped off.

Now, whether we like it or not (we can tell you we don’t) you sometimes have to conform to society, or you get left behind.

We don’t do that very well normally, and we like to really the push the boundaries of what society accepts as “normal” or “expected”.

But in the case of branding, we do need some form of cohesiveness (even that word makes us feel a little strange).

Don’t get us wrong, we are not going to become some corporate machine that aims solely to put bums on seats and all of sudden spend all our time cutting and sticking, sitting in doors, with 100's of centres and pack them full with staff and Adventurers who don’t really want to be there (we’re not your typical day service...).

But for us to continue to provide a level of service, expand our offer and also attract the best talent in the outdoor and care sectors to come and work for us, we need to be able to showcase what we can do, in a slightly more professional manner.

There will be other changes that come along with this too, such as the way we use social media, how our website looks and the way the logo is presented on our uniform and merch.

These are the different format of the logo you’ll see popping up:

This is the main logo you will see on most of our material. In our emails, on letters, or online.

This is what you'll see on social media and in any places that the other logo is too big.

We’ve also kept that bright orange colour we’ve been know for.

Keeping in line with our playful, risk taking and adventurous attitude towards business and life in general.

This orange will also be consistent over all of our branding. Flyers, website, social media, letters home, email signatures. Where as before we the colour we would use would often be a different shade of orange in each case.

We’re also making some changes to the fonts we’ll be using.

Selecting fonts that will make our website and marketing material more accessible and readable for Adventurers and Parent/Carers alike. Here’s what fonts we will be using and what they’ll look like:

We’re really excited about this next chapter of The Adventure Service.

We’ve got a fantastic team of staff who work incredibly hard to provide the best outdoor experience for each and every Adventurer.

We’ve found our home in 3 wonderful locations across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire as well as having an action packed 2025 with 24 short breaks.

Not to mention the more than 150 Adventurers who are smashing stereotypes, breaking down barriers and achieving their potential, every, single, day.

We can’t wait for you to join us for the next 15 (and many more) years of adventuring.

Because, we're just getting started.

See You Out There!



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