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Our First Water Weekend of The Year: Mega SUPs and Downpours at Champion House

Writer: The Adventure ServiceThe Adventure Service

It was a short break of firsts at the weekend. It was our first outing on the water in 2024 and it saw us head to Champion House, to enjoy a weekend getting wet, both from the reservoir and the sky…

As well as it being the first short break where we tucked into the summertime meals, though the weather was much more like that of a January short break, than a June one.

A beautiful house in the Peak District with a tree just outside and a glass conservatory in the background
The Beautiful Champion House


Friday saw both a group from Mansfield Woodhouse and a group from Top Valley take their share of the shopping tasks.

Mansfield Woodhouse Adventurers headed out to Morrisons to pick up some essentials bits for the weekend, whilst the guys from Top Valley headed to Tesco to pick up the ingredients for the evening meal.

During the day, Top Valley set to work, prepping the meal ready for when the Adventurers arrived at Champion House.

The Mansfield Woodhouse Adventurers saw that all the bags and kit was packed. Ensuring that everything was ready come 4:30pm so the groups could make their way to the Peak District, as soon as possible.

Having been at Champion House only a few weeks ago (you can read about that short break here) it was familiar surroundings for some of the Adventurers when they arrived.

Being situated in the beautiful village of Edale, the Adventurers are always treated to a scenic bus journey, from whichever centre they set off from.

Once the Adventurers had arrived, it was time to crack on with the usual jobs, such as a making up the beds, unloading the buses and unpacking the shopping.

This was all happening whilst thew Adventurers and staff from Top Valley stared to cook the evening meal.

Getting there in daylight hours makes all the difference on a Friday night for the Adventurers and makes the trip feel so much longer, as we can maximise outdoor time, using the light evenings to sit outside or play games, that during winter, we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.

Once tea had been had and the washing up had been done, it was time to get settled down for the evening, socialise and watch a good old bit of telly.

When it comes to the washing up and tidying away after dinner, the jobs that Adventurers do are rota'd throughout the weekend, to make sure that everybody does their fair share.

This means that those who are happy to help aren’t always the one doing the jobs. It also means that the slightly lazier Adventurers don’t get away with it either….

We’ve found the rota to work really well and as it allows Adventurers, to start to build their life skills and independence.

Once all the jobs were done, conversations had and TV consumed, it was time to head to bed to get ready for an adventure packed Saturday.


Saturday morning was an unusually cold one for the time of year, but it didn’t do much to thwart the excitement of the Adventurers who were eager to get out onto the water.

As was similar with the last short break at Champion House, all the groups were able to head out at the same time. This meant that lunch had to be accounted for, as we were going to be away from the centre, when midday rolled around.

So, before leaving and making our way to Tittesworth Reservoir (which is a fabulous location, nestled on the far west side of the Peak District, with views of the Roaches in the background) we put together sandwiches and snacks for lunchtime.

Champion House is not only a great location for it’s immediate access to the hills, but also because of it’s central location within the National Park itself.

This means that when we visit Champion House, we can access parts of the Peak District that aren’t available during the day service (that’s because we don’t travel further than an hour away - find out why here).

So, once the sandwiches were packed and lunch boxes full, it was it time to head to Tittesworth Reservoir for a day on the mega SUPs (stand up paddle board).

A person stands and paddles on a white and blue paddleboard in a calm lake surrounded by trees under a cloudy sky. The person wears a green jacket and a cap.
The Mega SUPs are pretty big! (credit: Tittesworth Water Sports)

A Day Out On The Mega SUPs

Fitting up to 8 people on a board at any one time, the mega SUPs are perfect for our short break weekends, where groups consist of 21 Adventurers.

Once the Adventurers were suited and booted, in their buoyance aids and helmets, it was time to head out onto the water.

Before lunch, we played different games on the SUP, trying to get everyone to stand up at the same time.

Now, this may sound easy, but when there is 8 people all trying to stand up at the same time, on something that is tricky for 1 person to stand up on, it can be quite the challenge. It can be fairly amusing to watch too…

After lunch, there were 2 boards on the water, meaning that 16 Adventurers could be on a board at any given time. There were races, trying to swap board with each time whilst on the water and all manner of falling in and getting wet.

There was plenty of time in the afternoon to do some swimming too. Adventurers who weren’t on the boards were jumping in and swimming to the jetty to do it again.

When it was time to start heading back to the buses to get dry, the Adventurers navigated the water way to return the SUPs and make their way to the bus to dry off.

Back at Champion House

Another tell tale sign that we have entered the summer short break season, is that the fish supper that is usually served on the Saturday night, is replaced with burger, wedges and salad. Something that has a little more of a summer feel to it.

As with the meal on Friday evening, Adventurers helped cook the dinner as well as tidy up afterwards.

Now, it wouldn’t be a Saturday night on short break without a disco (but I think that goes without saying now).

Every time it never ceases to amaze the Instructors just how much energy some of the the Adventurers have!

The disco was coupled with a game of Twister, uno and Dobble.


Those energy levels on Saturday night are not always replicated on a Sunday morning, and this short break was no exception.

The Adventurers were much slower at making an appearance on Sunday morning and were not so eager to get going once they opened the curtains and were met with a down pour.

Nevertheless, rain does not stop play here at The Adventure Service and a full cooked breakfast was in order. It just wouldn’t be a short break without one.

After a late breakfast, it was time to play some games similar to those of Saturday evening and start to pack up the centre, ready to head off home.

Our short break weekends always fly by and we’re always so grateful to see how much the Adventurers enjoy being away and continuing their journey to achieving their potential through adventure.

Want To Join Us On A Short Break?

We’re pretty much fully booked for this year’s short breaks. To find out if there are any spaces left, please email

We're also releasing information about our short breaks next year weekly, but only to an exclusive mailing list.

If you want to know about 2025 short breaks before anyone else, follow the link and sign up now.

Ready to become an Adventurer?

We are dedicated to helping Adventurers achieve their potential through adventure and we’re always looking for new Adventurers to join us on our journey.

Follow the link to fill out our referral form, email or call 01623 232102 and one of our staff team will be on hand, to help you get you started on your adventure.

See you out there!


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